The Perfect Leg Day Workout – Expert Tips, Facts, News and Experiences 2024

Incorporating leg workouts into your strength training regimen is crucial, yet they are often overlooked due to the fact that the legs are not typically seen as the main focus for showcasing one’s muscles. Admittedly, leg workouts can be challenging.

However, by including targeted exercises for your lower body, along with practicing proper nutrition and utilizing appropriate supplements, you can achieve a more balanced and impressive physique with enhanced muscle strength. It’s a well-known fact that having a disproportionately thin lower body paired with a well-developed upper body appears rather absurd.

Top Ten Leg Exercises 2023

Here are the top 10 leg exercises for 2023 that you should consider incorporating into your leg workouts:

  1. Barbell Back Squats: This classic exercise targets your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes while also engaging your core. It’s a compound movement that helps build overall leg strength.
  2. Barbell Deadlifts: Deadlifts primarily work your posterior chain, including your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. They are excellent for building strength and improving your overall power.
  3. Front Squat: By placing the barbell on the front of your shoulders, front squats shift the emphasis to your quadriceps. They also engage your core and upper back muscles for stability.
  4. Single Leg Deadlift with Dumbbells: This unilateral exercise targets each leg individually, helping to correct muscle imbalances. It strengthens your hamstrings, glutes, and improves stability.
  5. Leg Press: The leg press machine allows you to safely load your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It’s an effective exercise for hypertrophy and overall leg development.
  6. Bulgarian Split Squat: This exercise is excellent for building lower body strength and improving balance. It specifically targets your quadriceps and glutes while engaging your core for stability.
  7. Walking Lunge: Lunges target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Walking lunges add a dynamic element to the exercise, further challenging your balance and coordination.
  8. Leg Extensions: Leg extensions isolate your quadriceps and are great for developing the front of your thighs. This exercise is commonly performed using a leg extension machine.
  9. Leg Curl: Leg curls primarily target your hamstrings. This exercise can be done using a leg curl machine or with resistance bands, helping to strengthen and shape the back of your thighs.
  10. Sprinting: Incorporating sprints into your leg workouts is an excellent way to improve cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, and engage your leg muscles explosively.

Why You Should Do Leg Day Workouts

The inclusion of leg day workouts in our fitness routine is absolutely essential for several reasons. By recognizing the importance of leg day workouts, we can maximize our fitness potential and overall health. Let’s explore why we need to prioritize training our leg muscles:

  • Strengthening and Building Lower Body: Leg workouts play a fundamental role in developing and strengthening the muscles in our lower body. This includes the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. By engaging in targeted leg exercises, we can enhance the overall strength and stability of our legs.
  • Activation of Multiple Muscles: Leg workouts involve the activation of not only the leg muscles but also various other muscles in the body. This comprehensive engagement leads to a higher calorie expenditure during the workout, promoting energy expenditure and aiding in weight management.
  • Energy Balance and Healthy Body Weight: Due to the involvement of numerous muscles, leg workouts can significantly contribute to energy expenditure. By burning through calories, leg day workouts help maintain a healthy body weight by establishing an energy balance. This balance is crucial for weight management and overall well-being.
  • Weight Loss Potential: Incorporating leg workouts into a weight loss plan can be beneficial. Engaging in exercises that target the leg muscles can contribute to a caloric deficit, which is essential for weight loss. However, achieving weight loss requires a comprehensive approach that includes various factors such as exercise, non-exercise induced thermogenesis, energy intake, and the thermic effect of food.

Leg Workout Samples

We have curated three sample leg workout routines to cater to different fitness levels. Each routine is designed to target various leg muscles and promote strength development. Here are the samples:

Sample 1: Intermediate-Advanced Level

  1. Barbell Back Squat: Perform at 75% intensity for 5 sets of 10 reps per set. Take 90 seconds of rest between sets.
  2. Leg Extension: Perform at 70% intensity for 3 sets of 12 reps per set. Rest for 60 seconds between sets.
  3. Hamstring Curls: Perform at 70% intensity for 3 sets of 12 reps per set. Take 60 seconds of rest between sets.
  4. Hill Sprints: Complete 6 sprints, resting for 3 minutes between each sprint. Rest for 60 seconds between sets.

Sample 2: Novice-Intermediate Level

  1. Front Squat: Perform at 80% intensity for 5 sets of 8 reps per set. Rest for 120 seconds between sets.
  2. Bulgarian Split Squat: Perform at 65% intensity for 3 sets of 12 reps per set. Take 60 seconds of rest between sets.
  3. Hamstring Curls: Perform at 70% intensity for 3 sets of 12 reps per set. Rest for 60 seconds between sets.
  4. Sprints: Complete 6 sprints, resting for 3 minutes between each sprint. Rest for 60 seconds between sets.

Sample 3: Novice-Intermediate Level

  1. Barbell Deadlift: Perform at 80% intensity for 3 sets of 8 reps per set. Rest for 120 seconds between sets.
  2. Walking Lunges: Perform at 70% intensity for 3 sets of 12 reps per set. Take 60 seconds of rest between sets.
  3. Hamstring Curls: Perform at 70% intensity for 3 sets of 12 reps per set. Rest for 60 seconds between sets.

How To Guide For The Best Leg Exercises

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to perform each of the recommended leg exercises:

Barbell Back Squat

  1. Set the bar on a squat rack at shoulder height and place safety pins at the bottom squat position.
  2. Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip and position your feet in front of the bar.
  3. Dip underneath the bar, pin your shoulder blades back, and establish a solid base.
  4. Position your feet shoulder-width apart and in front of the bar to start.
  5. Brace your core, extend your knees and hips, and drive the bar off the rack.
  6. Take a few steps back and adjust your foot position.
  7. Take a deep breath, brace your core, and maintain spinal neutrality throughout the movement.
  8. Release your breath while driving the weight onto your heels, bending at the knees and hips to squat down.
  9. Take another deep breath and hold it.
  10. Press the weight into the midfoot, extend your knees and hips, squeeze your glutes, and release your breath.
  11. Repeat the movement for the desired number of reps and re-rack the bar onto the squat rack.

Barbell Deadlift

  1. Place a bar on a clean and flat surface.
  2. Load the bar with the desired weight.
  3. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, positioned about 1-2 inches away from the shins.
  4. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip, keeping your hands at hip-shoulder width.
  5. Drive your hips back, slightly bend your knees, and shift the weight onto your heels.
  6. Take a deep breath, brace your core and lats.
  7. Drive the weight onto the midfoot, extend your knees, and perform a hip thrust to stand up.
  8. Pin your shoulder blades back and pull your upper arms backward, engaging the entire body.
  9. Exhale and lower the weight back to the ground.
  10. Reset your position for the next repetition.

Front Squat

  1. Set the bar on a squat rack at shoulder height and place safety pins at the bottom squat position.
  2. Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip and position your feet in front of the bar.
  3. Flex your elbows and place the bar on the front of your shoulders or upper chest.
  4. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly arch your back to start.
  5. Brace your core, extend your knees and hips, and drive the bar off the rack.
  6. Take a few steps back and adjust your foot position.
  7. Take a deep breath, brace your core, and maintain spinal neutrality throughout the movement.
  8. Release your breath while driving the weight onto your heels, bending at the knees and hips to squat down.
  9. Take another deep breath and hold it.
  10. Drive your weight into the midfoot, extend your knees and hips, squeeze your glutes, and release your breath.
  11. Repeat the movement for the desired number of reps and re-rack the bar onto the squat rack.

Single Leg Deadlift with Dumbbells

  1. Place a pair of dumbbells on a clean and flat surface.
  2. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend your left knee, shifting all the tension onto one leg.
  3. Drive your hips back, bend the knee of the supporting leg, and shift the weight onto your heels.
  4. Grasp the dumbbells with a neutral grip.
  5. Take a deep breath, brace your core and lats.
  6. Drive the weight onto the midfoot, extend your knee, and perform a hip thrust to stand up.
  7. Pin your shoulder blades back and pull your upper arms backward.
  8. Exhale and drop

Do You Need Supplements For Leg Workouts?

Supplements are not necessary for a leg workout, as you can achieve great results with proper nutrition and training. However, there are a couple of supplements that can support your leg workouts and enhance performance if used correctly.

  1. Pre-Workout: A pre-workout supplement can provide an energy boost and improve focus during your training session. Look for a pre-workout that contains caffeine and citrulline malate. Caffeine acts as a stimulant and can increase alertness and energy levels. Citrulline malate helps improve blood flow, leading to better oxygen delivery to the muscles and enhanced muscle pumps. Follow the recommended dosage guidelines on the product.
  2. Creatine Monohydrate: Creatine is a popular supplement that can increase strength and power output during high-intensity exercises, such as weightlifting. It works by replenishing the creatine phosphate stores in your muscles, allowing for greater energy production. Taking 5 grams of creatine monohydrate per day is a common dosage. It’s not necessary to cycle on and off creatine, and long-term use has not been shown to be harmful.

Remember, supplements should be used to supplement a well-balanced diet and training program. It’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before starting any new supplement regimen to ensure it aligns with your individual needs and goals.

Foods You Should Eat

Including a variety of nutrient-rich foods in your current diet is essential for supporting your leg workouts and overall health. Here are some food categories and examples that you can incorporate into your diet:

High Protein Foods

  • Whey protein
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Casein
  • Salmon
  • Whitefish
  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Chicken breast
  • Chicken legs
  • Chicken thighs
  • Wheat
  • Soy

Carbohydrate-Rich Foods

  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Noodles
  • Sugar
  • Banana
  • Apples
  • Strawberries

Dietary Fats

  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Cashew nuts
  • Fat within meats and fish

It’s important to note that the quantity and distribution of these foods in your diet will depend on your individual goals, activity level, and dietary preferences. It’s recommended to consult with a registered dietitian or healthcare professional to create a personalized nutrition plan that meets your specific needs. Remember to focus on overall balance, portion control, and consuming a wide range of nutrient-dense foods to support your leg workouts and promote overall well-being.


Can I skip leg workouts and focus only on upper body exercises?

While it’s possible to prioritize upper body exercises, neglecting leg workouts can lead to muscle imbalances and hinder overall strength and athletic performance. Including leg workouts in your routine helps build lower body strength, improves stability, and enhances functional fitness.

How often should I perform leg workouts?

The frequency of leg workouts depends on your fitness level, goals, and overall training program. Generally, it is recommended to train your legs at least twice a week for optimal results. However, the specific frequency can vary based on individual factors and recovery ability.

Do I need to lift heavy weights during leg workouts?

Lifting heavy weights is not the only way to train your legs effectively. While progressive overload is important for strength and muscle growth, you can also achieve significant benefits by incorporating bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, or higher repetitions with lighter weights. It’s important to find a balance that suits your goals and abilities.

Are there any alternatives to traditional squats and lunges for leg workouts?

Yes, there are various alternatives to traditional squats and lunges that can target your leg muscles. Some examples include step-ups, Bulgarian split squats, leg presses, deadlifts, and hamstring curls. Experimenting with different exercises can help you find alternatives that work well for your body and preferences.

Can leg workouts help with fat loss?

Leg workouts can contribute to fat loss when combined with a well-rounded fitness program and a calorie-controlled diet. Leg exercises engage large muscle groups, which can increase calorie expenditure and boost your metabolism. However, it’s important to focus on overall body fat reduction rather than spot reduction in specific areas.


In conclusion, incorporating leg workouts into your fitness routine is crucial for overall health and fitness. There is a wide range of exercises you can choose from to target your leg muscles effectively, such as the barbell back squat and leg curl.

In addition to your workouts, paying attention to your diet and considering supplementation can help optimize your results. Ensuring an adequate intake of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is important for muscle recovery, energy production, and hormonal balance.

Supplementation can also play a role in supporting your leg workouts. Pre-workout supplements containing caffeine and pump ingredients can provide an extra boost of energy and enhance your performance.Creatine, when used consistently and in appropriate doses, has been shown to benefit high-intensity workouts, including leg exercises.

It’s important to remember that individual needs and preferences vary, so consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can help you create a personalized approach that suits your specific goals and circumstances. By combining effective leg workouts, a well-rounded diet, and targeted supplementation if desired, you can maximize the benefits of your leg training and work towards achieving your fitness goals.

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