Remove Gas From Stomach – Top 7 Tips & Tricks For Trapped Gas

What Is Stomach Gas?

Flatulence, commonly known as stomach gas, can be triggered by a variety of factors such as certain food items, air-swallowing, and even mental or emotional stress. It is a widespread issue that can cause discomfort and inconvenience. Therefore, many people look for immediate remedies to relieve themselves of the pain.

Fortunately, there are several tried and tested methods to quickly alleviate gas from the stomach that can help ease any discomfort or bloating. Active techniques involve taking over-the-counter medications or herbal supplements, while passive methods include adjusting one’s posture and breathing.

Some people seek medical attention immediately if they have serious or persistent gas problems, while others prefer to try home remedies first. Understanding the causes of stomach gas and using quick relief methods can significantly improve a person’s digestive health while also reducing discomfort and bloating. This article covers some of the most effective gas relief treatments along with some precautions you can take to prevent gas in the first place.

Symptoms of Trapped Gas

Trapped gas can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms that vary from person to person. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you seek medical advice to determine the cause of your trapped gas. Some of the most common symptoms of trapped gas include:

  • Abdominal Pain: Sharp or mild pain in the lower abdomen is a frequent symptom of irritable bowel syndrome. The discomfort caused by trapped gas can lead to cramps and even spasms in some cases.
  • Flatulence: Trapped gas can cause you to feel the need to pass gas but be unable to, or you could pass gas more frequently than usual.
  • Nausea: Gas accompanied by indigestion or acid reflux can make you feel nauseous and even cause vomiting.
  • Bloating: The feeling of a full or enlarged stomach, accompanied by the perception of excess gas in the digestive tract, is known as bloating.
  • Changes in Bowel Habits: Trapped gas can lead to functional bowel disorders such as functional diarrhea, IBS, functional constipation, or changes in stool consistency.
  • Belching: Belching can provide brief relief from the discomfort caused by trapped gas.

7 Ways to Remove Gas from Stomach Instantly

Dealing with stomach gas can be uncomfortable, but there are several quick remedies that can provide instant relief. By using these quick remedies, you can remove gas from your stomach instantly and prevent discomfort. Here are seven ways to remove gas from the stomach instantly:

  • Take a walk: Moving around or taking a short walk can help move gas along in the intestines and provide relief from gas pain.
  • Over-the-counter medications: Some over-the-counter medications such as simethicone can provide immediate relief from gas symptoms.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint contains natural components that help relax the digestive tract’s muscles, making it effective for gas relief. Drinking peppermint tea or using peppermint oil can provide relief.
  • Heat therapy: Applying heat to the stomach, such as with a heating pad or hot water bottle, can help ease gas pain.
  • Warm drinks: Drinking warm liquids, such as herbal tea or warm water with lemon juice, can soothe the digestive tract and provide gas relief.
  • Avoid certain foods: Certain foods, such as beans, lentils, cabbage, onions, and carbonated beverages, are notorious for causing gas. Avoiding these foods can reduce stomach gas.
  • Eat slowly: Eating slowly and chewing food thoroughly can reduce the amount of air swallowed while eating, thus reducing gas formation in the stomach.

Prevention Of Trapped Gas

Trapped gas in the stomach can be uncomfortable and painful, causing bloating and other symptoms. To prevent the discomfort of intestinal gas, consider taking the following precautions:

Avoid Certain Foods to Prevent Trapped Gas

Certain foods can cause flatulence and contribute to trapped gas in the digestive system. To prevent this discomfort, consider avoiding foods that are known to cause gas, such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, and onions. By being mindful of your diet, you can reduce the likelihood of experiencing trapped gas and the accompanying pain and discomfort.

Avoid Straws

Using straws while drinking can lead to excessive air intake, which can contribute to gas formation and result in trapped gas in the digestive system. To prevent this, consider drinking directly from a cup or glass instead of using a straw. By being mindful of your drinking habits, you can reduce the amount of air swallowed and prevent trapped gas.

Regular Exercise Helps Prevent Trapped Gas

Regular exercise is not only beneficial for overall health, but it can also help prevent trapped gas in the digestive system. Daily physical activity can help keep the digestive system healthy, reducing the likelihood of bloating and gas formation. By incorporating exercise into your daily routine, you can improve digestive health and reduce the discomfort associated with trapped gas.

Avoid Chewing Gum and Carbonated

DrinksChewing gum can lead to the ingestion of excess air, which can contribute to trapped gas in the digestive system. Similarly, carbonated drinks such as soda can also increase the likelihood of gas formation and should be avoided to prevent stomach gas. By being mindful of your chewing habits and avoiding carbonated beverages, you can reduce the risk of trapped gas and associated discomfort.

Stay Hydrated to Prevent Trapped Gas

Drinking enough water is important for overall health and can also help prevent the buildup of gas in the digestive system. When the body is dehydrated, the digestive process can slow down, leading to gas and bloating. By staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water throughout the day, you can keep your digestive system running smoothly and prevent trapped gas.

Chew Your Food Thoroughly

Eating too quickly and not chewing your food properly can cause you to swallow excess air, leading to gas and bloating. Take your time and chew your food thoroughly to aid digestion and prevent trapped gas.

Causes Of Trapped Gas In Stomach

Trapped gas in your stomach can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Consuming foods high in dietary gas: Foods like beans, lentils, broccoli, cabbage, onions, and carbonated sodas can cause painful gas and bloating in the digestive tract.
  • Swallowing air while eating or drinking quickly, chewing gum, or smoking can all cause stomach pain and gas.
  • Stomach diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can also cause gas in the stomach.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive issue that can result in gas, bloating, and stomach pain.
  • Constipation, which occurs when stool accumulates in the colon, can result in trapped gas and pain.

While gas and bloating are common and usually harmless, if they occur frequently or are severe, it’s important to see a doctor.

Helping Drinks Against Trapped Gas

If you’re experiencing stomach pain caused by trapped gas, certain drinks can help relieve discomfort. Consider trying the following:

Relieve Gas with Fennel Tea

Fennel tea is a popular natural remedy for stomach gas, as it contains chemicals that help relax the muscles in the digestive tract, relieving bloating and discomfort. Drinking fennel tea after a meal can help prevent gas buildup and promote healthy digestion.

Ginger Tea

Drinking ginger tea may also help relieve trapped gas. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and promote digestion, reducing the chances of gas build-up.

Lemon Water (warm)

Warm lemon water has been shown to help stimulate the production of digestive juices and relieve gas and bloating. Drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning can also help to hydrate the body and support healthy digestion throughout the day.

Just Water

Drinking water is an effective way to relieve bloating by eliminating gas from the digestive system. It is recommended that those experiencing uncomfortable gas drink eight or more glasses of water per day to stay hydrated and promote healthy digestion.

Natural Ways to Relieve Gas and Bloating in the Stomach

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known to improve digestion and prevent gas formation. To prevent bloating and flatulence, consume a glass of warm water with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar 30 minutes before each meal.

Charcoal, Activated

Activated charcoal is a highly effective and natural remedy for reducing gas in the digestive system. It works by binding to gas molecules and toxins, preventing them from being absorbed into the bloodstream and eliminating them from the body.

Activated charcoal is available in capsule form and can be taken 30 minutes before meals to prevent excess gas production. However, it is important to note that activated charcoal can also bind to and remove important nutrients from the body, so it should be used with caution and only as directed by a healthcare professional.


Ginger is a natural remedy for gas and bloating due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It is an effective treatment for digestive disorders and pain. Sipping on ginger tea or chewing on fresh ginger can quickly relieve flatulence.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are a commonly used natural remedy for indigestion and flatulence[6]. They contain antispasmodic chemicals, like anethole, that can help relax the muscles in the digestive tract. Taking one teaspoon of fennel seeds after each meal may help prevent intestinal gas.


Peppermint tea is an effective natural treatment for bloating and gas. It contains menthol, which has antispasmodic properties that help relax the muscles of the digestive system and reduce gas. Drinking a cup of peppermint tea after a meal can help alleviate flatulence.


What causes gas and bloating?

Gas and bloating can be caused by a variety of factors, including eating certain foods, swallowing air, constipation, and gastrointestinal disorders.

What are some home remedies for gas and bloating?

Some popular home remedies for gas and bloating include drinking warm lemon water, chamomile tea, fennel tea, peppermint tea, apple cider vinegar, and activated charcoal.

How does warm lemon water help with gas and bloating?

Lemons contain citric acid, which may aid in digestion and help relieve flatulence. Some people also believe that drinking warm lemon water in the morning can stimulate the digestive tract.

Is activated charcoal safe to consume?

Activated charcoal is generally considered safe to consume in small amounts, but it can interfere with the absorption of certain medications. It’s important to speak with your doctor before using activated charcoal as a remedy for gas and bloating.

How often should I drink these remedies?

It’s recommended to drink these remedies as needed, but not in excessive amounts. It’s also important to pay attention to how your body reacts to the remedies and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or underlying medical conditions.


Many people find that certain foods or drinks trigger their gas symptoms. Common culprits include beans, lentils, broccoli, onions, carbonated drinks, and dairy products. By identifying and avoiding these triggers, you may be able to reduce your gas and bloating.

Additionally, over-the-counter antacids or gas relief medications can provide relief by neutralizing stomach acid or breaking down gas bubbles. However, if your symptoms persist or are severe, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying conditions and get proper treatment.

Paul Mies has now been involved with test reports and comparing products for a decade. He is a highly sought-after specialist in these areas as well as in general health and nutrition advice. With this expertise and the team behind, they test, compare and report on all sought-after products on the Internet around the topics of health, slimming, beauty and more. The results are ultimately summarized and disclosed to readers.